Friday, October 29, 2010

A Personal Note...

He was an integral part of our life,
He was a ubiquitous presence in Tharavadu hall during the mornings,
He was the personal adviser for many of us on several occassions,
He who always downplayed his place in the world though very much aware of his talents and skills,
He who is a family man,
He who is a genius though portraits a different image of himself in the outside,
He who enjoys good movies and a serious critic of bad ones,
He who entertained us with his singing........
Okay... this last one was an attempted joke, though he certainly entertained us with his singing :-)

You now know who he is..
There is only one person who fits the description...
Yes, he is our dear most VC...

We will miss you dear and no one can replace that void.
In your absence,
who will rate our jokes??
who will keep list of the 'sizes'??
who else will hear us call all sorts of names without complaint??

We wish you all happiness and success in the path ahead.
Let life bestow all her blessings upon you and family.

with love,